Not just another Holocaust survivor’s story, Sharon Cameron的《welcome皇冠地址》 is both fascinating and horrifying.  It prompts readers to consider along with Cameron’s protagonist: “Is this the world? 没有什么是公平的? Where it is impossible not to cry? Where wars are not glorious or noble, just dirty and blood-soaked” (94)? It also prompts us to ask: Is it always better to know the past and the things that have happened? Cameron’s protagonist decides, “If you don’t know, then you can’t understand what justice is” (105). After experiencing the atrocities in Berlin during Hitler’s reign, Inge von Emmerich concludes that she has survived for a阅读更多→

Everyone faces his/her own challenges. And while many of us have no idea what it is like to have our every move monitored by the media paparazzi, British author Holly Smale takes readers down that path.  With the second book in The Valentines series, 远非完美, readers no longer just imagine what living under public scrutiny is like, we follow sixteen-year-old Faith Valentine as she fights for her own identity. Born into an extraordinary life of opportunities and fortune, Faith loves running and ballet but hates acting and publicity. The headlines write a version of her that isn’t real, and the gap between reality阅读更多→

故事发生在俄亥俄州, 雷·卡森的《任何生命迹象 is about a post-apocalyptic world when an airborne virus more deadly than the corona virus has wiped out most of humanity. 恐惧和不知所措, the few survivors must decide whether they wish to fight or they will give in to despair. Carson invites her readers to wonder what keeps us going since so many of our hopes and dreams—our reasons for living—are determined by sociocultural constructs. Do we recreate what we’ve lost or do we rebuild with something new and better? By asking what happens when all our reasons for living are taken away, Carson阅读更多→

Inspired by Louis L’Amour and targeting fans of the western genre, Paul K. 棕色(的) writes The Llano Kid series in which he traces the journey of his title character. In the third book of the series: Cactus Valley Lawman, readers learn the origin of the protagonist’s name, as well as additional pieces to the story of this young man who was orphaned as a boy. Now, Llano has taken on a job as security and scout for a wagon train heading west to California. When the wagon train is ambushed, 比利·内维尔的妈妈被杀了, leaving her son Billy an orphan at age twelve. 看见自己阅读更多→

Like the Fleetwood Mac Song “Go Your Own Way,” Eric Smith’s protagonists Adam Stillwater and Whitney Mitchell—in his novel You Can Go Your Own Way—must decide whether love and sharing their worlds is worth the risk or whether divisiveness and potential loneliness is their reality. 故事发生在费城, Smith’s novel alternates between the two lead characters in its telling, giving readers insight and perspective.  老电影的爱好者, 音乐, 还有弹珠街机游戏, Adam is struggling to let go of his father’s dream in exchange for his own since he feels as if giving up on the dream would mean he is also阅读更多→

Writing a western set in the 1870s, Paul K. 棕色(的) invites readers on a ride with The Llano Kid, the first of the Llano Kid 冒险s. Half Cherokee and half Irish, Llano was orphaned when he was twelve.  On Llano’s path to young adulthood, 棕色(的) recounts various encounters with drunks, 恶霸, 小偷, and gunmen who seem to prefer bravado or mob mentality without any notion for getting the facts.  Now nineteen and seasoned by these experiences, Llano is looking for a place to find honest work and to hang his hat. However, he will have to navigate the harsh code of the West and the阅读更多→

Brandy Colbert writes an important book, a story that needed to see the light of day. Black Birds in the Sky is a nonfiction account of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre. It is filled with sad and horrifying cruelty as it recounts one of the most deadly and destructive acts of racial violence in American History. Colbert makes her readers aware of just how much the past inform the present. She enlightens us, explaining that history is full of progress and setbacks. The Unites States, in particular, has a violent genocidal foundation. Traumatic times often get passed over in classrooms and conversations because they make阅读更多→