“宇宙实际上是一个多元宇宙. Countless dimensions exist, all layered within one another.  Each dimension represents one set of possibilities. Essentially, everything that can happen does happen.我喜欢这个主意.  Not only as the premise for Claudia Gray‘s new series, which debuts this Fall with 《一千个碎片的你, but as a thought experiment and a beacon of wonder.  One tiny choice can change your destiny, right? Imagine who you’d be if you’d chosen another career, 另一个伙伴, 甚至开车走不同的路线去上班.  Of course, all these minor changes probably don’t amount to much in阅读更多→

How do three twenty first century tweens from the prestigious east coast Fredericksville School in New Jersey end up in a smelly stable standing over the most important guy in United States’ history? After being left behind at Christmastime by parents who are too busy, 也是著名的, or too self-absorbed to care for their children, 贝弗利, 布兰登, and Mel go on a field trip with their chaperone Mr. Hart to view a reenactment of the famous Crossing of the Delaware.  When 布兰登 fiddles with a Macbook, the trio ends up participating in the historical event instead. Victims of time travel, 贝弗利, 布兰登, and Mel are阅读更多→

集中, 驱动, 运动, 在数学方面很有天赋, Carina Monroe plans to major in mathematics with a focus in cryptography when she graduates from Martindale High.  But her plans get sidetracked when her mother commits suicide, 给她留下了深深的悲痛, 损失, and loneliness that nothing can fill—until she meets 坦纳 Sloan. 坦纳, 谁喜欢电脑又住在嘈杂的地方, 热闹的家庭, makes her realize that life can be more than work and study. Carina’s therapist has tried to help her heal, but Carina’s lies create an obstacle in that arena.  Still, Carina finds some of the therapist’s advice helpful, like阅读更多→

明天是大日子.  Seventeen years and not much to show for it.  The day of the Senior Prom; but for Denton Little, it’s his last day on Earth.  明天,不知怎么的,他就会死去. Ever since his Death Date was revealed to him at age five, Denton’s just wanted to “live a normal life.”  Not one for taking risks or pushing the envelope, Denton doesn’t really have much of a list of accomplishments or awesome experiences to call his own, 只是一些普通的东西, 无聊的东西.  确定, some people in this world where your death date is determined based on genetics, statistics,阅读更多→

富有个人色彩和怀旧色彩, 我的人生故事, is an autobiographical collection of what Katherine Paterson calls “kitchen sink stories.”  Readers of biography and memoir may choose to read this book, 十月发行的, as will readers who crave knowing the origins of Paterson’s stories and characters.  回忆感情和记忆事件, this award-winning author explains how her life experiences both informed and inspired the stories she has written.  地点和人物名称, settings and circumstances derive from the childhood of a mischievous girl, 谁既害羞又爱炫耀. Although this book is being marketed as young adult non-fiction, It will likely appeal阅读更多→

Those who bristle at the mention of fantasy literature often suggest that believing in magic or miracles is a snare and a crutch, that society will only realize its full potential if we depend on our brains and strong arms instead.  但如果没有希望,我们会在哪里, that irrational but powerful force with the ability to magic us back to mental health and give us the strength to carry on against impossible odds?  This is one of the questions posed by Lauren Kate in 水下降, a novel that explores the power of emotions in the context of an ancient conflict between the Sleeping阅读更多→

It’s been awhile since the last time I fell head over heels in love. And, like all really good loves, I wasn’t looking for it.  确定, I was anticipating a good story (I loved her first effort) but, “Hi-Yo, 银”, I was not prepared for my intense reaction to Kristin Levine‘s 纸牛仔.  I’ve set aside everything else and have read this book 3 times (and that’s saying a lot) because there is just so much to unpack within these amazingly written 333 pages.  Rumor has it that there’s already buzz for the Newbery list (I hope so!),我等不及有人阅读更多→

几十年后, the long-standing gender selection of choosing boy children over girls will result in a 5 to 1 ratio of boys to girls across India and violence will erupt as the availability of this scarce resource (eligible, healthy young women) dries up and people realize the mistake they and their government have made for far too long.  一小群有权势的人, forward-thinking women promise a respite: a new country within the boundaries of India, 封锁, 安全, 也是有女儿的家庭的天堂, Koyanagar.  People from across the country flock to the emergent nation, hopes buoyed by the promise of阅读更多→

我喜欢好的骗子.  电影, 电视节目, 书——没关系, 真的——不管媒体怎么说, when the wool is pulled over someone’s eyes (especially when we thought we were on the look-out), 这是一种真正的刺激.  I’m especially enraptured by the reveal: going back through those moments of deception, 误导, 还有细微差别, 现在它就摆在眼前了, I wonder at how I (and the mark) could have been so blind.  But that’s all part of the fun, the lure, and the draw to this genre, isn’t it? Returning in Spring 2015 with his sophomore YA effort, John阅读更多→